In 30 Minutes Or Less, You Can Quickly And Easily Pinpoint EXACTLY Why Your Website Isn’t Making Money AND EXACTLY What You Need To Do to Turn It Around …
“Why Isn’t My Website Making Me Any Money” is based on proven love-based Internet marketing principles that WORK. Once you build your website around them, your website will do exactly what you want it to: expand your reach, so you can make the big impact you’ve always dreamed of making… while growing your business!
It’s divided into 10 chapters – 1 chapter per diagnostic tool. Each diagnostic tool guides you in identifying a problem with your website, followed by methods for implementing a solution. Each tool comes with specific, clear action steps so you can put what you learned into action immediately!
It also comes with a Website Checklist you can fill out as you go through the manual to make it even easier to pinpoint which action step would be best for you to take.
So, in 30 minutes or less, you can follow the simple instructions and know EXACTLY where the problem is with your website and EXACTLY what you need to do to start expanding your reach, right away, by generating more leads, clients and sales.